This past Thursday morning, it was reported that the streaming platform, Twitch, will begin banning gambling content. The communication of the platform itself was through an email sent to its content creation partners. The platform chose to prohibit content related to games of chance, such as posting links and codes to be used on websites in this niche. Among Twitch's restrictions, content related to slots, craps, among others, will be prohibited on its platform.
While it may seem like a rigid rule, the decision was not made overnight. Twitch has recently been analyzing various content that the creators were promoting, which resulted in several cases of fraud related to fake gambling sites. As such, the platform said it is taking new steps to prevent damage and fraud created by questionable gaming services that sponsor content on the platform. That said, Twitch has made its decision to prohibit the disclosure of links and partner codes to sites that offer slots, roulette and craps.
"To prevent harm and scams created by questionable gambling services that sponsor content on Twitch, we will prohibit sharing links and/or referral codes to sites that offer slots, roulette, or dice games. We will continue to monitor gambling-related content and update our approach as needed."
Despite this, it is important to note that this new platform guideline does not prohibit content creators from being able to stream about the category in question, but they must be in a country where "gambling" is legal. However, content creators may not post links or codes to sites on Twitch, not even through chat, banners or on-screen.
Through this new change in platform guidelines, the matter is generating a bit of controversy, as content creators from channels H3H3, Trainwrecks, Pokimane, Adin Ross and xQc have sponsorships with companies in the "gambling" sector. As such, these content creators have shown their displeasure with Twitch's new rule, as the increase in streamers in this category has been gaining great traction this past year.
The platform is really taking new paths as this was the second change to its rules this week. Previously, Twitch has revealed that it will begin to report in detail on streamers who are banned from its platform.
Twitch will notify banned streamers with details
Last Monday (9), Twitch's streaming platform decided to go public to publicize its new guideline. The site said it will now notify streamers who are banned from Twitch in detail.
To comment on the matter, the platform chose to disclose the information through its Twitter account, where it said it will notify users who are banned and will detail why the measure was taken: "As of today, enforcement notifications sent to suspended users will include the name of the content and the date of the violation to ensure they have better clarity about what content is being actioned on".
Therefore, the platform will notify users who are banned with the transmission name, date and duration of the ban. This new approach by Twitch is part of a revamping of its guidelines, where the platform is aiming to test new features, including advertisements that don't interrupt the ongoing lives. But for now, just wait to learn about the new Twitch policy information.
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