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Complete stats for the competition

Segunda División 2024


Team Statistics

Team G W (%) L (%) D (%) C.S. S.T. /g S.O.T. /g FLS /g CRN /g OFS /g POS /g (%)
Puerto Montt 26 46% 31% 23% 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.12 0.00 18%
Prov. Ovalle 26 35% 42% 23% 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.65 0.00 23%
Concepción 26 65% 12% 23% 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.15 0.00 25%
Osorno 26 31% 35% 35% 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.65 0.00 20%
Linares Unido 26 31% 46% 23% 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 22%
Rengo 26 42% 35% 23% 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.38 0.00 31%
Lautaro Buin 25 36% 52% 12% 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.04 0.00 32%
Fernández Vial 26 15% 54% 31% 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.12 0.00 25%
Trasandino 26 35% 54% 12% 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.04 0.00 21%
Melipilla 25 64% 12% 24% 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.36 0.00 22%
Velásquez 26 38% 35% 27% 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.31 0.00 25%
R. San Joaquín 26 23% 42% 35% 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.27 0.00 35%
SA Unido 25 40% 36% 24% 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 28%
Concón National 25 32% 48% 20% 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.80 0.00 18%
These values only take in consideration the regular match time (90 min).
Shots off Target: includes shots wide and shots that hit the woodwork..

Player Statistics

Ignacio Mesías González 19 2 1 24 23 1 1958
Diego Bielkiewicz 16 4 6 23 23 2070
Brayan Valdivia Valdivia 12 1 4 1 25 21 4 1822
Miguel Orellana Arcos 12 5 23 22 1 1894
Bryan Taiva 12 1 7 1 21 18 3 1531
F. Cezar 11 1 6 1 23 21 2 1828
Cristián Valenzuela Fuentes 9 2 4 23 19 4 1598
Matías Recabal 9 2 5 1 17 11 7 1031
Ángel Gillard 8 5 1 21 21 1869
Matías Rodríguez 8 1 3 21 19 2 1628
Luis Vargas 8 3 19 15 4 1251
Camilo Alexis Astroza Zambrano 7 2 1 18 16 5 1399
Mauricio Arias Flores 6 5 1 23 23 2005
Josue Miguel Hehemias Ovalle Aranda 6 5 21 20 2 1756
Nicolás Gutierrez 6 3 1 18 14 4 1171
Javier Retamales Castillo 6 4 12 9 3 798
Harold Antiñirre 5 2 4 24 23 1 2098
Carlos Escobar 5 5 1 23 20 3 1776
Cristóbal Ronaldo Arriaza Meneses 5 1 2 1 23 15 8 1218
Ignacio Nicolás Pipistrelli Gil 5 1 5 1 19 16 3 1393
Diego Vallejos 5 3 19 12 9 1159
Juan Ibarra Sayago 5 1 1 13 3 9 331
Leandro Ruiz Varas 5 1 3 1 9 8 1 643
Luis Oyarzo Cancino 4 2 25 25 2210
José Silva Araya 4 1 4 25 20 5 1705


Team Average Over 0.5 Over 1.5 Over 2.5 Over 3.5 Over 4.5
Puerto Montt 2.19 88% 54% 42% 23% 8%
Prov. Ovalle 2.38 100% 73% 42% 15% 4%
Concepción 2.92 96% 81% 54% 31% 19%
Osorno 3.38 96% 81% 62% 46% 35%
Linares Unido 2.42 96% 81% 46% 15% 4%
Rengo 2.35 96% 65% 38% 23% 12%
Lautaro Buin 2.92 100% 68% 48% 28% 24%
Fernández Vial 2.12 81% 58% 35% 19% 12%
Trasandino 2.31 96% 50% 38% 31% 12%
Melipilla 3.04 96% 84% 56% 40% 16%
Velásquez 2.81 88% 69% 42% 31% 19%
R. San Joaquín 2.58 92% 69% 50% 23% 12%
SA Unido 2.76 92% 64% 48% 28% 20%
Concón National 2.56 96% 76% 52% 20% 8%
League average 2.62 94% 69% 47% 27% 14%


Full time
Results Games %
1-1 26 14%
0-1 23 13%
2-1 22 12%
1-0 21 12%
0-0 11 6%
1-2 11 6%
2-0 8 4%
0-2 7 4%
1-3 7 4%
3-2 6 3%
3-1 6 3%
4-0 4 2%
2-3 4 2%
2-2 3 2%
3-3 3 2%
0-5 2 1%
3-0 2 1%
0-4 2 1%
4-2 2 1%
1-4 1 1%
2-7 1 1%
6-2 1 1%
3-4 1 1%
0-3 1 1%
1-5 1 1%
5-2 1 1%
4-3 1 1%
5-1 1 1%
5-0 1 1%
Half time
Results Games %
0-0 61 34%
1-0 44 24%
0-1 24 13%
1-1 17 9%
2-1 7 4%
2-0 6 3%
1-2 5 3%
0-2 4 2%
4-0 2 1%
0-3 2 1%
2-3 1 1%
3-2 1 1%
1-3 1 1%
1-4 1 1%
0-4 1 1%
- 1 1%
2-2 1 1%
3-1 1 1%

Goals moments

Minutes Goals
0-15 65 14%
16-30 58 12%
31-45 91 19%
46-60 81 17%
61-75 85 18%
76-90 101 21%
First half 214 44%
Second half 267 56%
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time

Segunda División - 2024

  • 99% 180 / 182 Games

  • Home team wins 42.78%
  • Draws 23.89%
  • Away team wins 33.33%
  • Over 1.5 69.44%
  • Over 2.5 46.67%
  • Over 3.5 26.67%
  • Goals 472
  • Goals /match 2.62
  • Goals /match home 1.37
  • Goals /match away 1.26
  • Both teams score 54.44%
  • Goals after 80' 17.16%
No tv schedule yet for US (change)