Damme Meulebeke statistics

Head-to-Head in the last 3 years
Date   Home   Away
No results in the last 3 years

Course on Competition

1st Round
Damme 3-0 Meulebeke
1st Round
Damme 3-0 Meulebeke


  • Cup 2015/2016
  • Last 10 games
  Home Away Global
Current winning streak - - -
Current drawing streak - - -
Current losing streak - - -
No win... - - -
No draw... - - -
No lose... - - -
  Home Away Global
Current winning streak - - -
Current drawing streak - - -
Current losing streak - - -
No win... - - -
No draw... - - -
No lose... - - -


  • Cup 2015/2016
  • Last 10 games
  Home Away Global
Average goals scored each match - - -
Average goals conceded each match - - -
Average goals scored+conceded - - -
Clean sheets - - -
Failed to score - - -
Matches Over 2,5 Goals - - -
Matches Under 2,5 Goals - - -
Home Global
Scores first (anytime) - -
 ⇒ and leads at half-time - -
 ⇒ and wins the match - -
  Home Away Global
Average goals scored each match - - -
Average goals conceded each match - - -
Average goals scored+conceded - - -
Clean sheets - - -
Failed to score - - -
Matches Over 2,5 Goals - - -
Matches Under 2,5 Goals - - -
Away Global
Scores first (anytime) - -
 ⇒ and leads at half-time - -
 ⇒ and wins the match - -
Goal times on the games
0-15 G.Scor
16-30 G.Scor
31-45 G.Scor
46-60 G.Scor
61-75 G.Scor
76-90 G.Scor
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time
Goal times on the games
0-15 G.Scor
16-30 G.Scor
31-45 G.Scor
46-60 G.Scor
61-75 G.Scor
76-90 G.Scor
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time

Correct score

  • Cup 2015/2016
  • Last 10 games
Damme Home Global
Half time Score
Total 100% (0)
Full time Score
Total 100% (0)
Meulebeke Away Global
Half time Score
Total 100% (0)
Full time Score
Total 100% (0)
NOTE: Data only to the date of this game, exclusive!
Frequently asked questions

Damme and Meulebeke have not had any head-to-heads in the last 3 years, so you need to check other statistical data to support your bet for this match.

The last Damme match was for the Club Friendlies, at home, against Cercle Brugge, and ended in a loss by 0-3. The last Meulebeke match was for the Cup, at home, against Sporting West Harelbeke, and ended in a loss by 0-2.



Kruibeke 2-1 Drongen
Kampelaar 1-3 Halle
Heultje 0-5 Mariekerke
Merksplas 1-6 Vosselaar
Marloie 2-3 Aywaille
Ninove 4-1 Voorde
Zwarte Leeuw 5-0 Walem
Tervuren 2-2 Everois
Wolvertem 6-0 Rillaar
Grand-Leez 4-1 Lessines
Leopoldsburg 3-0 Bree
Herk 1-0 Waltwilder
Thes 1-1 Zonhoven
Jamoigne 0-6 Cointe
Lebbeke 1-1 Zelzate
Olympic 9-0 Flobecquoise
Spouwen 8-0 Beringen
Sclayn 2-4 Wépion
Waremme 3-0 Meix-Devant
Wielsbeke 0-1 Sassport
Wingene 4-0 Lauwe
Knokke 7-0 KSKV
Rumbeke 2-0 De Ruiter
White Star 2-1 Oostnieuwkerke
GD Ingooigem 0-3 Harelbeke
Racing Waregem 2-2 Eernegem
Zwevezele 5-1 Westkapelle
Tournai 5-0 Otegem
Wevelgem 3-1 Menen
Géants Athois 0-5 Zwevegem
Ingelmunster 7-0 Nieuwkerke
Damme 3-0 Meulebeke
Westhoek 4-0 Wervik
Dikkelvenne 3-2 Svelta
Zeveren 3-5 Evergem-Center
Appelterre 1-2 Wetteren
Lovendegem 0-3 Ronse
Waas 3-0 Opdorp
WIK Eine 6-1 Laarne
WIK Boekel 0-4 Zele
Merelbeke 3-2 Lochristi
Maldegem 0-2 Berlare
Bevel 1-1 Olmen
Zwijndrecht 3-0 Ranst
Turnhout 5-0 KVV Duffel
Groen Rood 4-2 Lyra
Wuustwezel 3-3 Lille
Antonia 0-1 Witgoor
Duffel 5-1 Beekhoek
Nijlen 1-0 Berg en Dal
City Pirates 1-2 Brasschaat
Aartselaar 0-4 WS Schorvoort
Ohain 2-1 RU Rixensartoise
Betekom 3-1 Haacht
Eppegem 14-0 La Hulpe
Sterrebeek 4-1 FC Schaerbeek
ASC Berchem 3-2 Wambeek
Rebecq 3-1 Lennik
Korbeek 0-2 Rotselaar
Zoutleeuw 1-5 Wijgmaal
Peutie 0-6 Léopold
Ganshoren 5-0 US d'Ophain
Waterloo 3-0 Beersel
Francs Borains 2-1 Arquet
Havinnes 0-3 Ostiches
Spy 1-1 Fontaine
Charleroi Cou. 9-2 Ent. Châtelet
Buzet 1-1 Nismes
Monceau 5-1 Le Roeulx
Hyon 1-2 R. Mons 44
Fosses 1-3 Châtelet
Montkainoise 8-0 Entité Flor.
Pâturages 0-1 Péruwelz
Pesche 0-1 Courcelles
Symphorinois 4-0 Isièroise
Apollo 0-5 Kattenbos
Neeroeteren 0-7 Pelt
Vlijtingen 1-0 Koersel
Huvo 2-2 Brustem
Hades 5-0 KMR Biesen
Flandria Dorne 0-7 Lutlommel
Helson 0-2 Wellen
Termien 4-1 Hoepertingen
Sart-Lez-Spa 1-1 Gesves
Chevetogne 1-1 Rochefort
Beaufays 1-1 Warnant
Raeren 0-0 Stavelotain
Bièvre 0-6 Aische
USH Limontoise 6-0 Verlaine II
Hombourg 3-0 Pontisse
Ougrée 5-1 Stavelotain II
Loyers 6-2 Aische II
URSL Visé 3-2 Couvin
Namur 3-1 RUSGS Liège
Union Walhorn 1-4 Meux
Tamines 7-0 Eghezée
JS Kemexhe 0-4 Trooz
Verviers - Champlon
Ethe 2-1 Arlon
Vaux-Noville 2-0 Poupehan
Bertrix 4-2 Salmienne
Marbehan 1-2 Mormont
Verlaine 4-0 Rossignol
La Roche 0-1 Richelle
Habay-la-Neuve 8-0 Harre
Messancy 0-5 Solières
Lenaarts 2-0 Herentals
Longlier 3-0 Durbuy
RWDM 1-0 Avanti
Pepingen 3-2 Jong Lede
Dinant 2-5 Fizoise
Villance 1-9 US Givry

Cup - 2015/2016

  • 100% 294 / 295 Games

  • Home team wins 60.54%
  • Draws 0.34%
  • Away team wins 39.12%
  • Over 1.5 84.35%
  • Over 2.5 65.65%
  • Over 3.5 47.28%
  • Goals 1061
  • Goals /match 3.61
  • Goals /match home 2.15
  • Goals /match away 1.46
  • Both teams score 53.74%
  • Goals after 80' 2.73%
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