Loyers II Aywaille statistics

Head-to-Head in the last 3 years
Date   Home   Away
No results in the last 3 years

Course on Competition

Loyers II
1st Round
Loyers II 0-4 Aywaille
1st Round
Loyers II 0-4 Aywaille


  • Cup 2017/2018
  • Last 10 games
Loyers II
  Home Away Global
Current winning streak - - -
Current drawing streak - - -
Current losing streak - - -
No win... - - -
No draw... - - -
No lose... - - -
  Home Away Global
Current winning streak - - -
Current drawing streak - - -
Current losing streak - - -
No win... - - -
No draw... - - -
No lose... - - -


  • Cup 2017/2018
  • Last 10 games
Loyers II
  Home Away Global
Average goals scored each match - - -
Average goals conceded each match - - -
Average goals scored+conceded - - -
Clean sheets - - -
Failed to score - - -
Matches Over 2,5 Goals - - -
Matches Under 2,5 Goals - - -
Home Global
Scores first (anytime) - -
 ⇒ and leads at half-time - -
 ⇒ and wins the match - -
  Home Away Global
Average goals scored each match - - -
Average goals conceded each match - - -
Average goals scored+conceded - - -
Clean sheets - - -
Failed to score - - -
Matches Over 2,5 Goals - - -
Matches Under 2,5 Goals - - -
Away Global
Scores first (anytime) - -
 ⇒ and leads at half-time - -
 ⇒ and wins the match - -
Goal times on the games
0-15 G.Scor
16-30 G.Scor
31-45 G.Scor
46-60 G.Scor
61-75 G.Scor
76-90 G.Scor
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time
Goal times on the games
0-15 G.Scor
16-30 G.Scor
31-45 G.Scor
46-60 G.Scor
61-75 G.Scor
76-90 G.Scor
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time

Correct score

  • Cup 2017/2018
  • Last 10 games
Loyers II Home Global
Half time Score
Total 100% (0)
Full time Score
Total 100% (0)
Aywaille Away Global
Half time Score
Total 100% (0)
Full time Score
Total 100% (0)
NOTE: Data only to the date of this game, exclusive!
Frequently asked questions

Loyers II and Aywaille have not had any head-to-heads in the last 3 years, so you need to check other statistical data to support your bet for this match.

This is the first Loyers II match on our database, so we have no data on the last Loyers II match. The last Aywaille match was for the Club Friendlies, at home, against Standard Liège, and ended in a loss by 0-4.



Messancy 1-7 Bertrix
Gedinne 3-0 Longlier
Elene-Grotenbe 2-1 Lochristi
Herentals 3-1 Meerle
Standard Elen 0-4 Leopoldsburg
Vorselaar 1-2 KRC Mechelen
Ekeren 0-2 Brasschaat
Balen 2-0 Wijchmaal
Banneux 0-0 Verlaine
Francs Borains 1-0 Flawinne
Tournai 2-0 Rumbeke
Ninove 8-0 Jette
Herent 0-4 Diegem
Pelt 0-0 Achel
Peer 0-2 Tervant
Bierbeek 3-3 Ganshoren
Huvo 2-1 Retie
US Givry 2-0 Longlier II
Arlon 1-2 Bertrix II
Flavion 1-1 Libramont
Spy 2-1 Pesche
Couvin 0-1 Nismes
Reet 1-6 Robur
Zepperen-Brust 2-4 Heur Tongeren
Wervik 4-0 Eernegem
KSKV 0-3 Lauwe
Brielen 0-4 Menen
Belœil 1-1 Wielsbeke
Estaimbourg 0-3 Zwevezele
Lauwe 0-1 Havinnes
Poperinge 2-4 Sassport
Taintignies 0-6 Racing Waregem
Oostnieuwkerke 2-0 Kortemark
Harchies-Bern. 0-1 Oostduinkerke
Péruwelz 6-0 Westrozebeke
Drongen 1-5 Avanti
Jong Lede 2-1 Maldegem
Westkapelle 5-0 Dikkelvenne
Ardennen 0-2 Merelbeke
Wingene 5-0 Berlare
Oostkamp 0-0 Aalter
Lovendegem 0-4 Zelzate
Waas 4-1 St.Kruis-W.
Varsenare 0-2 Blankenberge
Ternesse 3-1 Buggenhout
Bonheiden 1-2 Lebbeke
Gierle 0-5 Houtvenne
Putte 1-4 Svelta
Mariekerke 1-1 Zele
Kruibeke 0-0 Lille
Heikant 3-4 Walem
Sint-Job 4-2 Oppuurs
Mariaburg 0-2 Hamme-Zogge
Aarschot 2-0 Wolvertem M.
Betekom 2-2 Wavre
Union Lasne 2-2 Hoeilaart
Waterloo 1-1 KDN United
Sterrebeek 2-1 Strombeek
Tollembeek 0-0 Kampenhout
Appelterre 0-1 Eppegem
Huizingen 5-2 Léopold
Woluwe 5-1 Ee. Mazenzele
Voorde 1-2 Sporting Brux.
Braine 4-0 Wemmel
Liedekerke 1-0 Ternat
Sint-Dymphna 1-4 Termien
Diest 3-1 Alken
Helson 2-0 Wellen
Zutendaal 1-3 Hoepertingen
Flandria Paal 1-2 KMR Biesen
Wezel 2-1 Herk
Budingen 1-2 Grimbie
Vlijtingen 5-1 Beringen
Francorchamps 1-0 Stockay
Huy 4-0 Vervietoise
Bütgenbach 0-5 Tilleur
Namur 2-1 Pontisse
Richelle 4-0 Dalhem
Herstal 6-0 Fernelmont-Hem
Loyers II 0-4 Aywaille
Weywertz 1-1 Cointe
Ougrée 0-4 URSL Visé
Jamboise 3-2 Andennais
La Calamine II 0-3 UCE Liège
Disonais 2-0 Verviers
Queue-du-Bois 1-3 Assesse
Malmundaria 1-1 Amay
Tilffois 0-2 Loyers
Onhaye 5-2 Habay
Mormont 4-0 Melreux
Poupehan 0-2 Habay-la-Neuve
La Roche 3-1 Lierneux
Champlon 1-1 Marloie
Nassogne 1-1 Rochefort
Wellin 1-0 Gouvy
Florenville 0-3 de la Molignée
Pâturages 1-5 R. Mons 44
Villers-La-V. 1-1 Stade Brainois
Mt-St-Guibert 2-3 Manageoise
Binche 0-1 Buzet
Malonne 1-8 Aische
Monceau 0-1 La Louvière
Rhisnes 2-4 Solre
Montignies II 0-5 Tamines
Anderlues 1-0 Tertre
Chastre 2-1 RLC Givry
Symphorinois 7-1 Le Roeulx
Flénu 1-4 Grand-Leez
Bambrugge 1-1 Wetteren
Groen Rood 2-1 Nijlen
Grimbergen 3-2 Nederhasselt
Melo 0-2 Waltwilder

Cup - 2017/2018

  • 100% 313 / 313 Games

  • Home team wins 56.55%
  • Draws 0%
  • Away team wins 43.45%
  • Over 1.5 83.71%
  • Over 2.5 63.9%
  • Over 3.5 45.69%
  • Goals 1075
  • Goals /match 3.43
  • Goals /match home 1.81
  • Goals /match away 1.62
  • Both teams score 51.76%
  • Goals after 80' 1.02%
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